Vista del Mar Union School District Goals
Student Achievement/Performance and Learning
We will provide and support engaging, high quality instruction, which promotes active learning and maximizes student achievement while creating a positive culture.
Implementation of rigorous curriculum
On-Line Learning
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Assessment & Accountability
Spanish, Physical Education & Health
Visual and Performing Arts
Whole Child Approach
We will provide inspiring, creative, healthy and safe environments that nurture imagination and compassion; foreseeing engaged, supported and challenged students.
Social Emotional Learning
Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)
Cultural Awareness
School Safety; COVID 19 Safety
District Management and Operations
We will be good stewards of our resources and pursue new avenues to support the goals of our district.
Governance Team
Infrastructure (i.e. water, waste management, energy)
Human Resources
Facilities and Grounds
Communication and Engagement
We will engage stakeholders to demonstrate the commitment and dedication to the sustainable growth of the school.
Media Forms (i.e. Webpage, Parent Square, Class DoJo, Twitter, Facebook, Newsletters)
Committees (i.e. Vista Volunteers, Vista Foundation)
Project Management Plans, Tasks, Outputs