Vista del Mar Union School District Goals

Student Achievement/Performance and Learning

We will provide and support engaging, high quality instruction, which promotes active learning and maximizes student achievement while creating a positive culture.

  • Implementation of rigorous curriculum

  • On-Line Learning

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

  • Assessment & Accountability

  • Spanish, Physical Education & Health

  • Visual and Performing Arts

Whole Child Approach

We will provide inspiring, creative, healthy and safe environments that nurture imagination and compassion; foreseeing engaged, supported and challenged students.

  • Social Emotional Learning

  • Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS)

  • Mindfulness

  • Cultural Awareness

  • School Safety; COVID 19 Safety

District Management and Operations

We will be good stewards of our resources and pursue new avenues to support the goals of our district.

  • Governance Team

  • Finances

  • Infrastructure (i.e. water, waste management, energy)

  • Human Resources

  • Facilities and Grounds

Communication and Engagement

We will engage stakeholders to demonstrate the commitment and dedication to the sustainable growth of the school.

  • Media Forms (i.e. Webpage, Parent Square, Class DoJo, Twitter, Facebook, Newsletters)

  • Committees (i.e. Vista Volunteers, Vista Foundation)

  • Project Management Plans, Tasks, Outputs