Business Services
Business Services
Business Services is the financial center of the District. Business Services is responsible for providing important financial information necessary to make critical decision which ultimately affect programs.
Business Services is to be recognized by the community and external stakeholders as competent and caring professionals who take ownership in finding answers to questions and solutions to problems, who are innovative, resourceful, collaborative, and helpful in facilitating the stewardship and accountability of the district’s financial resources.
Responsibilities include:
Budget Development and Monitoring
Pupil Attendance Accounting
Payroll Processing
Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
Coordination of Financial Audits
Interpreting and Implementing Financial Rules and Regulations
Meeting Federal, State, and County Financial Reporting Requirements/Deadlines
Risk Management – Property & Liability Insurance Claims
Collection of Developer Fees
Ensuring the Integrity of the District’s Financial Systems, Resources, Operations and Accounts
Provide District-Wide Trainings in Fiscal-Related Subjects
Quick Links
- CA Dept. of Education - Finance & Grants Information
- Educator Effectiveness Block Grant 2021
- Developer Fee Report & Resolution